How to choose the best agency for your HTML5 banner development project

HTML5 banners ads are recognised as one of the most effective forms of online advertising. The combination of images, animation, and text encourages interaction. Digital display banner ads are usually compatible with different types of devices such as mobile and desktop. Banners must also have a strong call to action which will lead to a […]

Display Banner Production Trends

This year will be a big year for digital display and banner production. Here are 4 trends to watch out for. 1. Responsive Display Advertising 90% of our web browsing is now done on mobile.  As we all know there are many different smart phone sizes and these all need to be catered for, so […]

20 ideas for Rich Media Mobile Ads

Using Rich media mobile ads as part of a digital cam­paign is stead­ily becom­ing a key strategy. These types of ads are up to four times as effect­ive as stand­ard ban­ner ads in terms of click­through rate, accord­ing to a report from Opera Medi­aworks. How­ever cre­at­ing rich media ads on mobile devices is much more com­plic­ated that […]